
author photoElizabeth Grayson fell in love with historical novels in the third grade. Her teacher read THE GOLD LACE COAT, by Helen Fuller Orton, to her class in preparation for their trip to Fort Niagara—and Elizabeth was hooked. She’s been reading and writing historical novels ever since.

Her first serious effort at historical fiction was written nights, weekends and during summer vacation while she was an elementary art teacher in upstate New York. It was a very L-O-N-G novel and took four and a half years to complete. Miraculously, it sold, and LOVE, HONOR AND BETRAY was honored by Waldenbooks as the Bestselling Romance by a New Author.

Elizabeth continued to write while teaching children’s classes at the St. Louis Art Museum, but finally quit so she could make her book deadlines.GOLD LACE COAT

So far, Elizabeth has written twelve historical romance and women’s fiction novels. The books have received some very nice recognition along the way from places like the RT Bookclub, Women Writing the West and the Romance Writers of America.

Elizabeth is enthusiastic about research, especially when it involves travel. She is an avid photographer, a dedicated beachcomber and a happy, but fairly mediocre knitter. But then, isn’t it really all about the yarn?

She lives in the Midwest with her husband and cat.

Fort Niagara Castle

Fort Niagara Castle